Where There’s Muck…

This morning Mr C had been to the gym and the local stables before 9am! No he’s not started horse riding, he’d taken along some empty bags and a spade and filled six bags with free manure for the allotment! It’s now in our new composter to break down before we use it. The wild…

LandLust Magazine – Spirit of the Countryside

I was asked by the people at LandLust Magazine if I would look at their first issue to be launched in the UK in November 2015.  The magazine was first launched in Germany 10 years ago and focuses on country life, cooking, crafts and much more.  I’m an ideal person to look through a new…

To Me, To You… To You, To Me

Nothing like The Chuckle Brothers on 5B today but a lot of To Me, To You… The boys can now put DIY and use of power tools on their CV’s!  I’ve planted a row of cauliflower plants in the large bed and also a small amount of cauliflower seeds at the end of the row….

DIY Skills At The Ready!

After much research we’ve ordered our shed for the allotment and it arrives next week.  We’ve got our letter of authority from the council confirming it’s the right size and that they’ve checked where on the plot we’re putting it and that everything is okay. I suppose it could have been worse if 5B had…