LandLust Magazine – Spirit of the Countryside


I was asked by the people at LandLust Magazine if I would look at their first issue to be launched in the UK in November 2015. 

The magazine was first launched in Germany 10 years ago and focuses on country life, cooking, crafts and much more. 

I’m an ideal person to look through a new magazine as I’ve never found a perfect one for me! It’s something I don’t buy very often because I don’t want to read about just one subject. Craft magazines never talk about cooking and gardening magazines never have make up and fashion tips… as for lifestyle magazines who’s life are they based on? 

My ideal magazine would talk about fashion, make up, DIY, gardening, home wares, cooking, baking, crafting, crochet, sewing, country living, social history, castles, steam trains and hobby ideas. 

So here we go…  LandLust Magazine actually came close to my ideal magazine! Perhaps I’m not a freak for having so many varied interests in life and wanting them all in one publication.

I really enjoyed the magazine, the paper was nice and thick, the articles read well and flowed in a good order and the photography was fantastic. A great magazine for men and women as it wasn’t too pretty or too manly, also some ideas you could do with the kids. Some really cool craft and DIY ideas.

Just need to decide what to make or bake first.

Ideas I loved… Each included well described and photographed instructions…   

   I enjoyed the article about Falconry and the descriptions and photos of different birds of prey. I did a Hawk Walk a few years ago which was a fantastic experience.   My only problems were things that might have been slightly lost in translation, after all LandLust is originally a German magazine, make it more British with regards to recipes. For instance how much is a block of yeast? In the UK we buy 7g sachets. Take an English version of a photo so the label doesn’t read in German. Very small things, but we are very fussy when it comes to being British. My other slightly negative comment is don’t put an article about Begonias straight after one about Bergenias! Very different plants to those in the know, both great articles with ace photography but maybe something different in between so as not to confuse readers. Great photo story on how to propagate Begonias.  Thanks to LandLust I have realised that I don’t dislike magazines, I just hadn’t found one that matched all my interests yet. LandLust have come very close to having most of my hobbies in one place. 

Overall I highly recommend this magazine and yes I will buy the next issue… They mention rhubarb in the teasers and after all I do live in the Rhubarb Triangle area of Yorkshire.  

Ways to keep in touch with LandLust Magazine on Social Media.






A huge thank you to LandLust for sending me a copy of their first issue. This blog contains my own thoughts about the magazine as I was asked to give my honest opinion! 

Thank you for the lovely wool sent to me by LandLust Magazine, I’m thinking it’ll make a great warm winter hat.

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