Allotment Fritters

It’s almost the end of July and we’ve been busy picking, pulling, blanching, freezing and eating lots of veggie delights from our plot.

Sowing and growing seem to be the only things that are unchanged since Coronavirus hit the world.

My dilemma this week was Kohl Rabi. What can they go in other than coleslaw?

It’s the second year we’ve grown these weird space ship style vegetables. It’s the first year we’ve grown them from seed and I’m really proud of them.

They smell like cabbage and taste a little bit like white cabbage but they also taste slightly like turnip or radish.

Yesterday’s goodies from the allotment included kohl rabi, carrots, Chinese cabbage and spring cabbage. I had some potatoes from the beginning of lockdown that were way past their best so thought I’d try a rosti/fritter by grating all the ingredients.


2 medium potatoes, peeled and grated

2 medium carrots, peeled and grated

2 medium sized kohl rabi, peeled and grated

2 small Chinese cabbage, finely sliced

1 spring cabbage, finely sliced

5 tbs plain flour

2 eggs, beaten

1 tsp ground coriander

1/2 tsp ground cumin

1/2 tsp salt


Mix all the grated and sliced vegetables together.

Add in the flour, spices and beaten egg and mix well.

Heat some oil in a large pan and using a tablespoon put small piles of the mixture into the pan once the oil is hot enough.

Don’t overfill your pan, it’s better to cook a few at a time than load all the mix into the pan in one go.

Also don’t let your oil get too hot.

Shallow fry your vegetable fritters for around 3 minutes on each side until golden brown.

These can be eaten straight away or reheated in a pan or the oven later. If you’re going to freeze some fritters let them cool fully before wrapping well in foil and freezing.

I’m always happy to share recipes with you. If you do post online about this recipe please credit the HumbugsHouse blog. Thank you.

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